

I agree with author's opinion. I have some opinion to help myself.

First of all, I believe that Japanese should study Japanese because we are Japanese, of course, so we should study more before we study English. I believe that we don't need to hurry up to study English like China. We had better just keep to continue our ways of education.

Second, I believe that don't shame to speak English!!! shyness lose our confident about speaking. For example, I can speak English very well, but if I don't speak English well, I can't tell foreigners anything. It is very important to speak English without shyness.

Lastly, I believe that A lot of business person use English in Japan. It is very important to speak English on business in Japan. For example, if I were a British, I can speak English on business with Japanese. It is nomal to speak English in Japan or business.

If I didn't write the right opinion, I'm so sorry... this is difficult for me....


About Japan Times

I read the state of " The Japan Times", but it was dificult to read it for me. I couldn't understand a lot when I read it, so If I couldn't write good comments, please allow me....

I agree with author. I believe that person who Michiyo is loving is very rude! If my loving person does the same acts, I'm disappointed at him. It is true that female and male can't understand each other thinking, so they must tell about feelings of themselves. In addition, Michiyo's ideal person have to think about her feelings.

I believe that there are a lot of couples , and a lot of " Renai Ken-o sho" in Japan. In addition, marrige rate is decreasing these days, so a lot of male and female doesn't get married with the opposite sex. It is true.
For example, they are already 30 years old and 35 years old and so on.

I believe that a lot of Japanese women wants her partner to buy a lot of things. For example, there are rings, bags, watches and clothes and so on. It's my image, but I believe it is true. I'm not interested in that things now, but if I'm interested in that from now, I will want him to buy that. Maybe, many of men won't like giving them to women.

From these reason, I agree with author.


Homework Class#10

I could enjoyed today's class,but I haven't had any experience in foreign country's restaulant... Although I don't have experience, I ate the dinner in My host family's house in Britain. Then, I could experience about knife and spoon. I t was difficult to use, but I didn't make a mistake.. Maybe.. One of my host child made a noise with chopsticks which I gave him. I think it was bad manner in Japan, but he stopped it at once. I think he has known about the bad manner.


Class#8 Homework

I think that having a massive wedding like Korea or UAE is a good idea because wedding is one of our very important events in our life. We can swear to the god by wedding. I think wedding means that it is my first road to my life with my best partner.

I think that eloping is to have troubles a lot of person so much because the couple doesn't tell us anything about them, so we can't think where they are. I don't do it. If my parents refused about my partner or wedding, I wouldn't elop.

I think that having it in a foreign location like Hawaii is very pleasant thing! I wish that I'll able to hold a wedding ceremony in foreign country because I like other country plus Japan, but if I hold wedding ceremony in Britain, I must invite a lot of people to my wedding ceremony. It must cost a lot of money. If a lot of people will come, it isn't just easy, but I wish it is my dream...

My ideal wedding is to hold wedding ceremony with my best foreign partner because I like foreigner so much, so I will find my best partner in Britain or France etcAnyway, I like EuropeansI want to experience wedding ceremony in other country. I want wear white great dress And I want my best foreign partner to pick me up like a princess♪♪They are my ideal wedding♪♪I don't have special reason, but it is my best ideal!!


Homework About Superstition

Question1...I think it is important to talk about superstitions because even if they are lies, we can enjoy them. In addition, they are very useful because when I was a child, my parents said to me that don't whistle at night. if you do it, a devil will come here. When I heard first time, I was very scary. If I didn't heard this superstition, I wouldn't scary to whistle at night. Moreover, I would cause people a lot of trouble.

Question2...I think it doesn't affect on communication because we live in a real life.

Question3...I believe superstitions. I have heard superstitions for a long time. I have remembered superstitions even if I heard for a long time. A lot of people believe about Santa CLaus when they were children, but when they are getting older, they don't believe him. It was about foreign country, but it is the same in Japan. I believe about all superstitions because I think superstitions are the same our dream because if I find four-leaf clover anywhere, I confirm " Dream will come true!!" After that, If I have a special event, I think It thanks for four-leaf clover!! I sometimes use superstitions because I'm very generous-hearted girl It's a joke!!!



1. Time is money....

I think this sentense means that money is very very important for us, so we also must treat very very important about time. We can't stop the time, so I think time is more important than money. Anyway, we must use polite.

2.A stitch in time saves nine....

I think this sentence means that if you do anything early, it will succeed. If you don't do at once, it doesn't succeed.

3.There's no time like the present...

I think this sentence means that if you have a chance to do anything, the chance doesn't come again and again. When you get a chance, you shouldn't miss a good chance. This sentence looks like " Don't miss a good chance."

4. Fashionable late...

I think this sentence means that these days, if you are wearing loose socks, it is fashionable late for me. It became fashionable before about 6 years. For this reason, someone are wearing them, the person had better read some fashion magazines



1. I don't judge people according to what they wear because we also have special clothes in Japan. Each country has each special clothes, but they are customs in each country. I think that it is the same about clothes which we are wearing every day. Clothes are different from each person even if they are the same country. For these reason, I don't judge people accordinig to what they wear.

2. I think Japanese society puts an importance on clothing when judging other people from another country. If someone who come from another country are wearing special clothes, I think that they judge people according to what someone are wearing.

3. Now, I'm wearing black T shirt, grey trouthers, but they don't reflect my mood. Both of them are dark colour, but now I'm very happy. In addition, I don't have any problem about my health and mood.

Next week,

1. I have never discussed graduation ceremonies, how to play anything sports, and driving schools of another countries and so on.

2. I have different friends for different parts of my life. The person has already one child in her life, but I have never talked about the difference, and we don't go to different places. We don't go the same university, and we go to the difference way both of us.