

1. I don't judge people according to what they wear because we also have special clothes in Japan. Each country has each special clothes, but they are customs in each country. I think that it is the same about clothes which we are wearing every day. Clothes are different from each person even if they are the same country. For these reason, I don't judge people accordinig to what they wear.

2. I think Japanese society puts an importance on clothing when judging other people from another country. If someone who come from another country are wearing special clothes, I think that they judge people according to what someone are wearing.

3. Now, I'm wearing black T shirt, grey trouthers, but they don't reflect my mood. Both of them are dark colour, but now I'm very happy. In addition, I don't have any problem about my health and mood.

Next week,

1. I have never discussed graduation ceremonies, how to play anything sports, and driving schools of another countries and so on.

2. I have different friends for different parts of my life. The person has already one child in her life, but I have never talked about the difference, and we don't go to different places. We don't go the same university, and we go to the difference way both of us.

4 件のコメント:

kotone さんのコメント...

Yeah, I agree with you.
looking their clothes is one of the way of judging people, I think.
However, it is controversial.
We can't judge everything about the person by only clothes.

haveagoodday さんのコメント...

hi! my first coments on your blog. on Q3, i dont care about my clothes when i go to school. but, if i have a presentation or speech, or hang out with my boyfriend, i do care about my clothes. when do you care about your clothes?

ronron さんのコメント...

Your blog is very colorful and nice. I agree with your opinion!
I think clothing is giving good judgment to us.

HJU Teacher さんのコメント...

Excellent comments. Keep up the good work! With the friends homwwoek. Please tell me why you do not discuss these subjects with them.