Question1...I think it is important to talk about superstitions because even if they are lies, we can enjoy them. In addition, they are very useful because when I was a child, my parents said to me that don't whistle at night. if you do it, a devil will come here. When I heard first time, I was very scary. If I didn't heard this superstition, I wouldn't scary to whistle at night. Moreover, I would cause people a lot of trouble.
Question2...I think it doesn't affect on communication because we live in a real life.
Question3...I believe superstitions. I have heard superstitions for a long time. I have remembered superstitions even if I heard for a long time. A lot of people believe about Santa CLaus when they were children, but when they are getting older, they don't believe him. It was about foreign country, but it is the same in Japan. I believe about all superstitions because I think superstitions are the same our dream because if I find four-leaf clover anywhere, I confirm " Dream will come true!!" After that, If I have a special event, I think It thanks for four-leaf clover!! I sometimes use superstitions because I'm very generous-hearted girl♪ It's a joke!!!
1 件のコメント:
Hi. I like your coloful blog (^^)
I agree with your opinion that superstitions are useful ways to teach children because I also think it affects to children a lot. I can say that from my experiences. I will use them to my kids.