

1. I agree with the web's site description. For example, when we are taking a class, we don't ask any question if we can't understand some meanings. Probably, I think we feel shy about it. I can ask question to a teacher, but I always feel so shy. It is just "Wrapping."

2. a: When I die, I will hold a wake at the night. A lot of people recite a sutra. The next day, funeral is hold, my body is cremated the Pure Land.
b: We have death memorial services 1 month, 1 year, 3 years, 7 years, etc because we wish attain nirvana of personality.

2 件のコメント:

Yummy さんのコメント...

I agree with your opinion about question 1. I don't ask any questions to my teacher if I have question. I should ask questions if I have questions.

HJU Teacher さんのコメント...

I never heard about attaining nirvana. I will research about this! Good comment.